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Domain Name Registration

Domain names are an important expression of your business.  Choose a domain name that helps identify your business or products and is easily remembered and found.

We provide a full Domain Name Registration service, including a reminder service when renewals are due.  Remember, your Domain Name is your Brand online, and this needs protection.  Choose a company you can depend on to maintain your continuity.

Our domain name registration service includes: .com .net .biz .org .com.au .net.au .org.au .au .nz (and many others)

Please Contact Us for more information on Our Domain Name Services.

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Qs & As

Common Domain Name Registration Questions

Illustration of a laptop with a domain name error

What Happens When a Domain Name Lapses: A Step-by-Step Guide

Domain names are a crucial part of your online presence and letting it lapse can have a huge impact on your business. So what happens when it lapses?

Illustration of a computer screen with .com.au and .au

What is the Difference Between .com.au and .au Domain Names?

While these domain extensions may seem similar at first glance, there are some key differences that can influence whether you should register one, the other, or both.

Woman on a computer with text that reads .com or .com.au

Whats the difference between a .com and a .com.au domain

In the digital realm, domains serve as the online address for businesses, organizations, and individuals. When it comes to choosing a domain name, the decision between a .com and a .com.au extension is crucial, particularly for Australian entities. In this article, we will delve into the differences between these two domain types and explore their respective implications for businesses operating in Australia.

Have you registered your au direct domain name

Have you registered your .au domain?

The Priority Allocation time period to register .au domains is coming to an end on the 20th of September, leaving your .au domain name open to be poached. Don’t let this happen!

What is difference between domain and web hosting?

What is difference between domain and web hosting?

When it comes to building a website, two terms that often come up are domain and web hosting. Although they are both essential components of a website, they serve different functions. In this article, we will explore the difference between domain and web hosting.

web address bar

How do you choose the right domain name for you?

Your domain name is where people go to find your website as well as what your email addresses are. It’s just as important as your business name and you want to get it right. Here are some things you should consider when choosing a domain.

News and Information

Domain Name Registration News & Information

What's in a Domain Name

What's in a Domain Name

In the vast expanse of the internet, your domain name is your unique address. It is where people can find your website and email accounts and is the first impression you make on potential customers, clients, or readers.

hands on laptop with warning sign above keys

Consequences of a Compromised Domain

A domain is more than just an address - it's a vital piece of online real estate that represents our personal and professional identities. But what if this virtual property falls into the wrong hands?

New .au domain type

.au Domain Names: Short, Sharp and Available

.au direct names launch on 24-March-2022. Learn more about this new domain name type and how it affects you.

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