.au Domain Names: Short, Sharp and Available

.au direct names launch on 24-March-2022.
This is a NEW domain range and is in addition to the existing namespaces, such as .com.au, .net.au, .org.au, .asn.au and .id.au.
Is it worth registering?
YES, Absolutely!! You do NOT want your competitor to register and use the .au version of your domain.
It is a shorter version, so no doubt will become very popular. Our recommendation is to register the .au version of your .com.au (or other) domain – yourname.au. Keep your existing domain too (such as yourname.com.au), as this will be reflexively used by many of your clients. Link them together, so using either will take you to your website and will reach you with email. This protects your brand, prevents others from registering your domain and gives you the option to shift to the .au as your main domain. Don’t know how to link them? WE DO! Talk to us – Contact Us OR call 03 8873 0000.
Who can register a .au domain?
The criteria is not as strict as it is for .com.au and other domains. Basically, if you have an Australian presence then you can register a .au. You do NOT need an ABN and they do NOT need to be directly associated with your business name or business type, as is the case for a .com.au. So if you don’t register the .au version, your competitor can. Don’t let this happen – register the .au.
Who gets priority if you have the .com.au, .net.au, .org.au, .asn.au or .id.au?
There is a Priority Allocation Process in place. If you have the .com.au or other version, you have 6 months to register your interest in the .au version. If there are different owners for different versions all applying for the .au domain, the one who has had their domain the longest is the one who can register the .au version. Or you can negotiate… If no-one applies for the .au version, then it becomes publicly available to register from 20-Sep-2022.
Check your Priority position
with the Priority Status Tool
If it is a new domain
Domains with no current .com.au or other iterations registered, can be allocated immediately.
Can I register additional .au domains?
YES. Because the criteria is relaxed for .au domains, extra words and phrases can be registered which aren’t directly related to your business name or business type, as is the rule for .com.au domains. Now is a good time to have a think – are there particular words or phrases related to your industry that make a great domain name? Run them past us and we will check availability, so you can register the .au version.
How much does it cost?
It is the same cost as current .au domains, so $66 for 2 years.
How do I register a .au domain?
Web Ideas can do this on your behalf. Simply Contact Us OR call us on 03 8873 0000 and let us know the .au domains you want to register. If they are exact copies of the ones we currently manage for you, then tell us this – we have a list! We will confirm with you and ensure your interest in the .au domain has been registered.
Want to know more?
Australian Domains are controlled by AUDA – the .au Domain Administration body. Here is some more detailed information about the .au process.
Contact Us OR call on 03 8873 0000 with any questions – we are always happy to help.