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What is the Difference Between .com.au and .au Domain Names?

Illustration of a computer screen with .com.au and .au

Your domain name is often the first impression potential customers have of your business. When setting up an online presence in Australia, one of the critical decisions you'll need to make is choosing the right domain name extension. The two primary options for Australian businesses are .com.au and .au. While these may seem similar at first glance, there are some key differences that can influence whether you should register one, the other, or both.

The Evolution of .au Domains

Historically, .com.au has been the go-to domain for Australian businesses. It signifies that the website is based in Australia and is specifically geared toward the Australian market. The .com.au domain has been around for decades and has become synonymous with credibility and trust within the Australian business community.

However, in March 2022, the Australian domain space saw the introduction of the .au direct domain. This new, shorter domain allows businesses and individuals to register names directly under .au, without the need for the additional .com. This change was made to offer more flexibility and to allow businesses to have shorter, more memorable domain names.

Key Differences Between .com.au and .au

Length and Memorability

The most obvious difference is the length. .au is shorter and can make your web address easier to remember and type. This is particularly advantageous in an era where people access websites via mobile devices, where conciseness is appreciated.

Perception and Trust

.com.au has a long-standing reputation in Australia. It’s associated with established businesses, and for many consumers, it signals a legitimate, trustworthy enterprise. While .au is still new, it is gaining traction. However, some users may still be more comfortable with the traditional .com.au for now.

Eligibility Requirements

Both .com.au and .au domains require a connection to Australia, but the rules differ slightly. To register a .com.au domain, you need to have an Australian Business Number (ABN) or Australian Company Number (ACN), and the domain name must be closely related to your business name or activity. .au domains are more flexible, not needing the domain name to be related to your business name, and broader requirements for proof of an Australian presence. This allows more freedom for you to register a .au domain, but also opens it up for competitors or domain poachers to register the .au version of your domain.

SEO Considerations

From an SEO perspective, both .com.au and .au domains are treated similarly by search engines. Google has confirmed that there is no inherent ranking advantage between the two. However, because .com.au has been around longer, it may have more established backlinks and domain authority for some businesses.


One of the significant advantages of .au domains is the availability of short, desirable names that might have already been taken with the .com.au domain extension. If your preferred .com.au domain is unavailable, you might find that it is available under .au.

Which One Should You Choose?

The decision between .com.au and .au ultimately comes down to your business needs and brand strategy. Here are a few considerations:


For new businesses or those looking to rebrand, .au offers a simpler, cleaner domain name that can be easier for customers to remember.

Brand Perception

If your brand is established and recognized under a .com.au domain, you might want to stick with it to maintain consistency and customer trust.

Brand Protection

If you want to be sure that your brand is protected, both from your competitors and domain poachers/Cybersquatters, you can secure both domain extensions. This gives you full control over what people find when they search for your business online.


Choosing between a .com.au and .au domain is an important decision that can impact your brand's online presence. .com.au domains have a long history of trust and recognition in Australia, while .au offers a modern, concise alternative that could be more memorable. We recommend registering both to protect your brand.

As the digital landscape continues to evolve, the flexibility and options provided by both domain extensions allow Australian businesses to tailor their online identity to best suit their needs. Whether you choose .com.au, .au, or both, ensuring your domain strategy aligns with your business goals is key to establishing a strong online presence.

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