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Keeping things running smoothly over the 2021-2022 holiday period

Keeping things running smoothly over the 2021-2022 holiday period

2021 has been an interesting year and the team are going on a much needed break.

The Web Ideas office will be closed from Noon Thursday the 23rd of December and re-opening as normal 9am the 17th of January.

Whilst we aren't in the office we have procedures in place to ensure that everything runs smoothly for our clients.


In the lead-up to the holidays we go through all the domains that we manage and check that none of them will expire when we’re away. If the expiration date for a domain is within this time period, we get in touch with the owner to see if they want to keep their domain name. If they do then we renew it to make sure it keeps running without issue.


Our software gets its own Christmas present in the form of an update in the last week before we close. This ensures that we have enough time before finishing up for the year to smooth out any issues that may arise from that, whilst giving our clients the latest version to keep their sites and emails strong and secure.


Whilst we’re away we still keep an eye on our servers and helpdesk, so if anything does go wrong we’re there to fix it. The alerts on our servers let us know immediately if something has gone wrong so we can get on to fixing it straight away so that your site and emails aren’t down for long. If you need us to do something please email helpdesk@web-ideas.com.au with URGENT at the start of your subject line.

On top of our monitoring, our data centres will be open throughout this time and keeping an eye on things at their end.


The team at Web Ideas are wishing you a very happy Holiday Season and New Year.

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