How do you Create Content for your Blog?

A good question, and a difficult one to answer as every industry, and even every business, has a different answer. However there are numerous pointers that I can offer.
- Think of a Question your customers ask you. Think of the most common question you get asked by your customers. Play out how such a question progresses, how you answer it, what you discuss from there. Write out that conversation, explain it in as much detail as you can. People are curious by nature, and whenever they see a question they want to know the answer. What was your reaction when you read the title of this blog post? Did you want to read more, even just a line or two to find the answer to the question?What expert knowledge do you have? Think of something simple that is the basis of your product/service, and describe why it is useful.
- Advertise yourself as the expert, demonstrate that you are knowledgeable in your area of expertise, and people will unthinkingly start to associate you and your business with the product/service you offer. The fact you prove that you can discuss your work makes potential clients more likely to go to you first, rather than one of your competitors. Even if they turn out to be cheaper, or more convenient.
- Hire a Copywriter. This is the more extreme option, but sometimes the added cost of hiring someone to do your writing for you is worth it. Although an even better option is to get one of your employees who already knows and understands your business some copy-writing training, to learn how to write copy designed to draw a reader in.
These are three simple tips that you can use to get content on your blog, and should be more than enough to get you started on writing up your very own online bill-board allowing you to show-case your expertise and give potential clients the chance to convince themselves, with no extra work from you, to call you and enquire in even more detail about your product/service.